Car Accident Attorney

Car Accident Attorney Overview

A car accident can change everything. South Florida is well known for its frequency and severity of car crashes because of our tremendous population density along with the lack of public transportation options. With all these drivers on the road, it is a matter of time before you or someone you know is involved in a crash. If you have been injured in a car accident, it is absolutely necessary to hire a car accident attorney quickly to preserve your rights.

While a car accident is traumatic enough, the truth is it is just the beginning. An accident triggers a time-consuming process with effects that can last years. Crash victims must deal with filing insurance claims to fix their vehicles, obtain a rental car, visit doctors, and miss time from work. On top of everything else, medical bills accumulate quickly and cause undue stress. If you have a permanent and serious medical injury this entire ordeal can seem even more daunting.

The Car Accident Claims Process

First, this process can be intimidating for the unfamiliar and uninitiated. That is why it imperative to hire an experienced injury attorney to help navigate this complicated process as soon as possible. From day one the opposing insurance company will assign an adjuster to the case before a claim has even been made. They will take every opportunity to reduce the compensation you deserve. It is their job to take money out of your pocket and keep it in the pockets of their employer. Remember, they are not your friend. Never speak to an insurance company or make a claim without an experienced car accident attorney on your side.

Proving Your Car Accident Case

Second, a viable car accident claim requires a Plaintiff to prove two things in order to obtain compensation: (1) Damages and (2) a Responsible Party. Damages come in all shapes and sizes, large and small. However, the most common are neck and back injuries.  More insidious injuries like traumatic brain injuries and broken bones occur nearly as frequently.  Meanwhile, the Responsible Party is the same as the person who was at-fault for the accident. Usually – but not always – a crash report by the police will identify who caused the crash. 

Is there Coverage?

There is a final component which matters most for any car accident case to move forward – insurance coverage. The Responsible Party must have insurance coverage or sufficient assets to pay compensation. The last component is very important because if the Responsibility Party cannot pay, then you will never collect compensation. 

In some cases the person who was injured can even make an Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist claim.  Uninsured motorist claims must be filed directly against the injured party’s own insurance company.  This specific coverage acts as a failsafe for accidents caused by negligent drivers who either don’t have enough insurance on their own, or have no insurance at all.  This scenario is very common, especially in Florida.


Motor vehicle crash victims are entitled to the same compensation and damages as other personal injuries, including medical expenses in the past and future, lost wages, loss of future earning capacity, pain and suffering, and mental anguish.


The team at Santana Injury Law can get to work today on your claim and get you the most compensation for your injuries. Call now for a free consultation with an experienced car accident attorney.

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