Miami Car Accident Lawyer

Protecting You and Your Rights After a Collision

Injured in a Car Accident? Hire a Trusted Car Accident Attorney in Miami, FL

Miami’s vibrant streets and sunny weather make it a haven for drivers and pedestrians alike. Unfortunately, these bustling roads also come with the risk of car accidents.  

If you’ve been injured in a car accident in Miami, seeking legal representation from a qualified car accident attorney is crucial.

Santana Injury Law is dedicated to fighting for the rights of car accident victims in Miami. Our experienced team will guide you through the legal process and work tirelessly to secure the compensation you deserve.

Common Causes of Car Accidents in Miami

Miami’s many attractions, which are a magnet for tourists and residents alike, can also be a dangerous landscape for drivers and pedestrians. Car accidents are a frequent occurrence, often leaving victims with physical, emotional, and financial burdens.

According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV), Miami-Dade County saw a staggering 63,507 crashes in 2023. This translates to roughly 174 car accidents every single day.

Santana Injury Law | Car Accident Lawyer

Car accidents in Miami can happen due to various factors. Here are some of the most common causes:

Distracted Driving

Texting, talking on the phone, using navigation systems, or eating while driving can significantly increase the risk of an accident.


Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs significantly impairs judgment and reaction time, increasing the risk of accidents.


Speeding reduces reaction time and increases the severity of crashes.


Dangerous Road Conditions

Poorly maintained roads with potholes, inadequate lighting, or missing signage can contribute to accidents.

Vehicle Defects

Malfunctioning brakes, tire blowouts, and other mechanical failures can cause sudden loss of control and accidents.

Driving Tired

Driving while tired can be risky and impair decision-making skills, putting other road users at risk. 

Santana Injury Law | Car Accident Lawyer


Following too closely behind another vehicle can result in unexpected collisions. Cars should be aware of the consequences of such behavior. 

Passing too closely

Maintain a safe distance from other vehicles to avoid accidents. Passing too closely can lead to injuries for the rider or others on the road.  

Poor Weather Conditions

Heavy rain, fog, or slick roads can make driving conditions hazardous, reducing visibility and increasing the risk of accidents.

If you’ve been involved in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, contact Santana Injury Law. 

Our Miami car accident lawyer will fight to hold the at-fault party accountable and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

Reckless Driving

Aggressive driving maneuvers like tailgating, illegal lane changes, and speeding through red lights are highly dangerous.

Running Red Lights or Stop Signs

Disregarding traffic signals is a common cause of intersection accidents, particularly when drivers are distracted or speeding.

Improper Turns

Failing to yield the right of way, not signaling turns properly, and making illegal turns are common causes of car accidents.

Santana Injury Law | Car Accident Lawyer

Our Car Accident Lawyer In Miami Can Help With Various Injuries

Car accidents may result in a wide range of injuries, some of which can be life-threatening. Here are some of the most common injuries our Miami car accident lawyer can help with:

Head Injuries

Concussions, traumatic brain injuries (TBI), and scalp injuries are common due to the high speeds and forces involved in vehicle collisions.  These injuries can have long-lasting consequences, affecting cognitive function, memory, and emotional well-being.

Neck and Back Injuries

The sudden impact of an accident can cause whiplash, sprains, strains, herniated discs, and spinal cord injuries.  These injuries can cause chronic pain, limited mobility, and even permanent nerve damage. 

Broken Bones

Fractures are common in car accidents, especially in the legs, arms, and ribs.  Healing from broken bones can be a lengthy and painful process, often requiring surgery and rehabilitation.


In severe car accidents, limb amputation can occur due to crushing injuries or mangled limbs. This life-altering injury requires extensive medical care and prosthetic rehabilitation.

Psychological Trauma

The emotional impact of a car accident can be significant, leading to anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).  These psychological conditions can significantly impact your daily life and relationships. 

Soft Tissue Injuries

These injuries involve damage to muscles, ligaments, and tendons, causing pain, swelling, and limited mobility.  Soft tissue injuries can significantly impact your daily life and ability to work. 

Facial Injuries

Broken bones, lacerations, and dental injuries can occur due to airbags deploying or contact with the steering wheel or dashboard.  Facial injuries can not only cause physical pain but also emotional distress and potential scarring. 

Remember, this is not an exhaustive list, and any injury sustained in a car accident can be serious. 

No matter the extent of your injuries, Santana Injury Law is here to help. Contact our experienced Miami car accident lawyer to help you navigate the legal process. Our team will also work tirelessly to hold the at-fault party accountable and secure the compensation you deserve to cover these expenses and rebuild your life.

Who's Responsible for Car Accident Injuries in Miami?

The aftermath of a car accident in Miami can be confusing, especially when it comes to figuring out who is responsible for your injuries and the resulting damages.  Florida operates under a comparative negligence system, meaning the percentage of fault assigned to each party involved in the accident will determine the amount of compensation they are legally required to assume.

Possible parties who may be responsible include:

  • Speeding or reckless drivers
  • Vehicle owners and in the case of minors, their legal guardians
  • Car and vehicle part manufacturers
  • Corporations and businesses
  • Construction companies and operators
  • City planners and municipalities

Understanding Negligence:

To hold someone liable for your injuries, you need to prove they were negligent. This means they acted in a careless or reckless manner that directly caused the accident.  Common examples of negligence in car accidents include:

  • Distracted driving (texting, talking on the phone, etc.)
  • Drunk driving or driving under the influence of drugs
  • Speeding
  • Reckless driving (tailgating, illegal lane changes, running red lights)
  • Drowsy driving
  • Failing to yield the right of way
  • Improper vehicle maintenance

Comparative Negligence

Florida’s modified comparative negligence system assigns a percentage of fault to each party involved in the accident.  For example, if you’re deemed 20% at fault for the accident and the other driver is 80% at fault, you can still recover compensation, but it will be reduced by 20%. This means you would receive 80% of the total damages you suffered. It is important to note that throughout Florida, if any accident victim is 51% or more at fault for their own accident, they cannot bring a claim for damages.

Multiple Parties at Fault

In some cases, there may be more than two drivers involved in the accident, or other factors like defective vehicles or poorly maintained roads may contribute to the crash. 

It is important not to make assumptions about car accident liability. At Santana Injury Law, our experienced Miami car accident lawyer can investigate all contributing factors and hold all liable parties accountable.

What to Do After a Car Accident In Miami?

Your actions immediately following an accident is to Consult with an attorney. It will impact the compensation you may receive. Here are essential steps to take:

Seek medical attention

Visit a doctor even if you feel fine. Some injuries are not immediately apparent.

Report the accident 

Call the police to report the accident. A police report is crucial for documenting your claim.


Gather Evidence

Take pictures of the scene, the vehicles involved, and any visible injuries.

Consult with an Attorney

Contact a Miami car accident lawyer to understand your legal options and begin the claims process.

These steps are critical for building a robust case and safeguarding your financial and personal well-being. Partnering with a skilled Miami car accident attorney significantly enhances your ability to navigate legal complexities swiftly and secure compensation effectively.

Santana Injury Law | Car Accident Lawyer

What To Expect From Our Car Accident Attorney, Miami, FL

Dealing with a caraccident case can take a long time, especially if it’s complex. 

Here’s what you can expect when you talk to a car accident lawyer in Miami:

1. Case Evaluation

We offer a free consultation where you can discuss your case with our Miami car accident attorney in detail. They will ask questions about the accident, your injuries, and any medical treatment.  Based on this evaluation, they will advise you of your legal options and the potential value of your case.

2. Thorough Investigation

Our legal team will conduct a comprehensive investigation into the cause of the accident. This may involve:

  • Reviewing police reports and accident scene photos
  • Collecting witness statements
  • Evaluating property damages

We may also consult with accident reconstruction experts if needed to establish a clear picture of how the accident occurred and who is liable.

3. Clear Communication and Regular Updates

Throughout the legal process, your Miami car accident attorney will keep you informed of any developments in your case.  We believe in open communication and will be readily available to answer your questions and address any concerns you may have.

4. Negotiation with Insurance Companies

Our experienced attorney will negotiate aggressively with the insurance company on your behalf to ensure you receive the maximum compensation you deserve for your injuries, medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Santana Injury Law | Car Accident Lawyer
Santana Injury Law | Car Accident Lawyer

5. Dedicated Representation

We are committed to fighting for your rights and achieving the best possible outcome in your case. If a fair settlement cannot be reached with the insurance company, we are prepared to take your case to jury trial.

6. Case Resolution

Receive the compensation you deserve and move forward with your life.

At Santana Injury Law, our experienced Miami car accident lawyer will be by your side every step of the way, offering guidance, support, and aggressive representation to secure the compensation you deserve.

Compensation for Your Miami Car Accident

Car accident victims may be entitled to various types of compensation, depending on the severity of their injuries and the specifics of their case. Compensation types include:

Medical Bills

Reimbursement for past and future medical expenses related to your injuries.

Lost Wages

Compensation for income lost due to your injuries and inability to work.

Pain and Suffering

Compensation for physical pain, emotional distress, and mental anguish.

Loss of Enjoyment

Compensation for the inability to participate in activities you once enjoyed due to your injuries.

Punitive Damages

Awarded in rare cases to punish the at-fault party for egregious and reckless behavior.

Wrongful Death

Compensation for the loss of a loved one due to a car accident caused by another party’s negligence.

Why Choose Santana Injury Law As Your Trusted Car Accident Lawyer In Miami?

Here’s what sets Santana Injury Law apart when it comes to handling your Miami car accident case:

  • Proven Track Record

We have a history of success in securing maximum compensation for car accident victims in Miami. We understand the tactics insurance companies use to minimize payouts and fight aggressively for your rights.

  • In-Depth Knowledge of Florida Accident Laws

Florida has specific laws governing car accidents and insurance coverage. Our team is well-versed in these laws and can effectively navigate the legal complexities of your case.

  • Compassionate Representation

We understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll a car accident can take. We treat our clients with respect and empathy throughout the legal process and communicate regularly at each step of the case.

  • Maximum Compensation

Our goal is to secure the maximum compensation you deserve for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.

  • No Upfront Fees

You won’t pay a dime unless we win your case. We work on a contingency fee basis, meaning our fees are a percentage of the compensation we recover for you.

My Clients Call Me Adam

Learn About The Firm

Adam Santana, Esq.

Founder & Trial Attorney

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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can sue the person who caused your car accident directly, but it’s often recommended to go through their insurance company first. A car accident lawyer can help you navigate this process.

Insurance adjusters use sneaky tactics to save their company money. Here’s the short version:

  • Early lowball offers
  • Pressure to give recorded statements before you understand your rights
  • Discouraging you from seeking legal advice
  • Fishing for reasons to deny your claim
  • Misrepresenting the law or deadlines
  • Good cop/bad cop tactics

Protect yourself by contacting your lawyer first. Don’t accept the first offer, and be careful what information you share. Fight for the compensation you deserve!

If possible, ensure your safety and the safety of others involved.  Seek medical attention immediately, exchange information with the other driver(s) and any witnesses, document the scene with photos or videos, and avoid discussing fault with anyone except the police.

The duration of a car accident claim in Florida varies significantly, as no two cases are alike. The timeline for settling a car accident claim in Miami depends on several factors:


  • The clarity of fault determination in the accident
  • The severity of the injuries involved
  • The duration and type of medical treatment required for recovery
  • The willingness of the insurance company to engage in settlement discussions


These elements collectively influence the time it takes to resolve a car accident claim. However, most claims usually resolve within months to a year, whereas cases can take up to several years.

The amount of compensation you receive depends on several factors, such as:

  • The severity of your injuries
  • The impact on your life and daily living
  • The cost of medical treatment
  • The lost wages
  • The degree of fault attributed to each party involved
  • The available insurance coverage
  • The ability of the at-fault party to pay

In Florida, the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury lawsuit arising from a car accident is now two years from the date of the accident. Lawmakers changed the time to bring a lawsuit from four years to just two in March 2023.

Keep copies of all medical bills, police reports, accident scene photos, witness statements, repair estimates, pay stubs (for lost wages), and any communication with the insurance company or other drivers.

If you’re involved in a car accident in Miami and the at-fault driver is uninsured or underinsured, recovering compensation for your injuries becomes far more complex. But a Miami car accident lawyer can guide you through options to secure the necessary compensation.


Our team assists victims in pursuing damages from uninsured drivers. Your options include:


  • Filing a claim under your own PIP policy.
  • Pursuing an uninsured motorist claim if you have the coverage.
  • Initiating a personal lawsuit against the at-fault driver.


Choosing the best approach depends on factors like your uninsured motorist coverage, your PIP policy limits, and the financial situation of the at-fault driver. We’ll analyze your case in detail and pursue the strategy most likely to yield the highest compensation.

Miami is renowned for having some of the most perilous roadways in the state. Daily, thousands of commuters travel to and from the city, and its multi-lane roads can be particularly challenging for those less experienced behind the wheel.


Highlighted below are some of the most accident-prone areas in Miami:


  • I-95
  • State Road 836 (commonly referred to as the “Dolphin Expressway”)
  • State Road 826 (commonly referred to as the “Palmetto Expressway”)
  • The Ronald Reagan Turnpike
  • Biscayne Boulevard
  • State Road 112 (also known as the “Airport Expressway”)
  • US Highway 1

Get a Free Case Review After Your Miami Accident

If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident in Miami, don’t hesitate to reach out to Santana Injury Law. Contact us today at (305) 564-2529 for a no-obligation consultation to discuss your case and understand your legal options.